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From ‘Starting Out’ to ‘Superstar’: Mapping Your Treasury Automation Journey

The pressure on finance departments is rising fast.

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  • Economic uncertainty
  • Clogged global supply chains
  • A challenging labor market

Businesses will be counting on finance to help the business overcome these challenges.

Automation becomes increasingly important in times like these.  This includes:

  • Digitizing and simplifying customer onboarding
  • Eliminating friction in the preparation and delivery of customer invoices
  • Providing customers with self-service payment options
  • Streamlining the receipt, posting and reconciliation of customer payments

Most finance departments have stepped up their focus on digital transformation.  But they’re still far from attaining optimum performance, because they haven’t automated AR end-to-end.

To push through the barriers to automation maturity, you need to know where you stand.

CMLI’s latest white paper provides a model for determining AR maturity and developing a plan for moving forward.  It also provides a roadmap for becoming an AR Superstar.

If your department wants to achieve optimum finance performance, download this white paper today.

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