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Metric of the Month: DSO Complexity Drives Automation Need

Cash being automated in a digital wireframe

Not every business has automated their finance function. If your finances are simple – your customers’ average payments terms are low and your DSO is under control – that may be okay.

But automation is crucial when keeping tabs on more challenging financial forecasts, according to a survey of nearly 150 treasury leaders from large companies. Of those with a DSO of more than 60 days, 23% are automated and just four percent report no automation.

Similarly, when credit terms get stretched to more than 60 days, only 6% of respondents report operating without automation.

The data is based on a survey of 148 CFOs, Treasurers and VPs of Finance from large companies (minimum revenue $100 million; median is just under $1 billion).  A more detailed analysis will be reported in the coming month.

CMLI’s Cash Management Benchmarking Study Data Chart showing the higher the DSO, the more automation is needed.
Source: CMLI’s Cash Management Benchmarking Study 

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